Friday, September 16, 2011

Abyss and Raven vs Black Reign and Rellik (10,000 Tacks Match)

Judging by the music, this occurred around Christmas time. I really enjoyed these days of TNA when we had Black Reign, Judas Mesias, and Rellik and there was no Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan. Black Reign, to me, is probably what would've happened if WCW actually allowed Dustin Rhodes to go through with the Seven gimmick. Or just a satanic Goldust. Dustin Rhodes claims he hates this gimmick but when he was doing this gimmick he would state in shoot interviews that Vince gave him the Goldust gimmick because Vince is a prick. So I never take anything he says seriously since he is wishy-washy. But he's a GREAT performer.

We also get to see Raven's fat gut throughout the entire match.

Part 2
Part 3

Ever Wonder Why All The Wrestling Fans Are Now MMA Fans?

Well it's because mainstream American wrestling (WWE/TNA) is boring and there's MMA organizations now like Pride Fighting Championships that show guys like Mirko Cro Cop doing shit like this

Friday, September 9, 2011

WCW Halloween Havoc 1999

So I found the over-hated pay-per-view event on youtube tonight so I'm gonna review it. A lot of people seem to bitch about it because Hogan and Sting have a match that lasts 3 seconds because Hogan just lays down and Sting pins him. Well nobody ever seems to mention a word about Sting's epic promo he cuts a match or two later about how he didn't come to Vegas for a night off and that he came to Vegas to fight. Which leads to an awesome main event between him and Goldberg where Goldberg becomes champion again. That and you have a great strap match between DDP and Flair that's full of twists and turns leading to DDP almost killing Flair, the ambulance coming to haul his dead ass away, and The Filthy Animals coming out and attacking him on the stretcher. Funny stuff

Also on the card is a great match between Perry Saturn and Eddy Guerrero, a hardcore tag-team Triple Threat Match clusterfuck, and Rick Steiner vs Chris Benoit where Benoit surprisingly does the job for the night.

The only problem I have is that Goldberg is way too overpowered with his limited move set and rapes everybody like Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat with his hammer/spear/rape while Sting didn't really put up much of a fight compared to when he fought him in his wolfpac days.

Because WWE will shit bricks because Vince needs to hurry up and die of cancer, I'm just gonna have the link instead of the video because it might get taken down in a few hours

Abyss vs Judas Mesias aka "El Mesias" Ricky Banderas (Barbed Wire Match)

Remember that one TNA angle where Vince Russo tried once again to create another Undertaker and decided to do so by doing a remake of the Kane/Taker feud? Well lets have a quit recap, TNA signs Ricky "El Mesias" Banderas the mexican Gangrel gimmick from AAA that's actually pretty awesome and has him play an Undertaker knockoff and also Abyss's kayfabe stepbrother. And we all know that Abyss is a fusion of Kane and Eugene

The match is good though considering that they've put Abyss up against the same guy that lit Vampiro's FACE on fire in another organization. Plus, for a stubby fat guy I would say that Ricky Banderas is one underated wrestler and TNA can let great wrestlers slip through their fingers sometimes.

Part 2

Thursday, September 8, 2011

John Cena vs JBL (I Quit Match) Judgement Day 2005

Yep, Cena has been sucking for this long. But still a good match and comparatively better than what's on WWE now which isn't saying much. Also note the severe lack of children in the audience.

Part 2
Part 3 Nevermind, WWE deleted it because Vince loves a dick in his ass

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sting vs Flair 7/19/99

Not the best match between the two but serves as a hidden gem in the mess known as WCW after 1998. Even with large amounts of outside interference, Sting stinger splashing a female bodybuilder, Sid Vicious powerbombing Eric Bischoff, and Hulk Hogan appearing for no good reason whatsoever. Which shows exactly how good a match between these two people can be.

The angle going on is that Flair is "The President of WCW" after David Flair beat Eric for control of the company and gave it to his dad for some reason. Or something like that. And then Ric went crazy with power and now Sting thinks it's time for a change. Yes, the concept is very worthy of a Cornette Face. But this is the same time when WWF was in the process of becoming nothing more than "The Triple H Show" so I actually prefer this over that. While welcoming ECW's network TV deal with open arms. Kinda like how I now treat WWE, Impact Wrestling, and ROH today

Part 2

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dustin Rhodes Vs Terry Funk (Texas Bullrope Match)

I don't watch many WCW matches that happened after Halloween Havoc 99 but this was pretty funny for a match that happened before Russo came and went. This also happened the same night as Hogan and Flair's infamous Apple Pie Indian Strap Match

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So I watch TNA for the first time in weeks

And now Sting has gone from being The Crow to being The Joker? LOLWUT? Funny though, i'll give TNA that much but couldn't they have put this gimmick on Eric Young or something? Or maybe Vince Russo can stop waiting too long to watch a movie.

Love it? Hate it? Think it's alright?

Monday, June 27, 2011

CM Punk Made WWE Worth Watching For The First Time Since 1998

Link to video until WWE takes it down

Some people are saying this is a work, which is plausible. But regardless, it kept my interest and the only thing i hate is that his mic got cut off. Now I've probably watched maybe 4 WWE matches in their entirety since 2004 so I had to read the news on facebook from one of my friends that watches WWE and had to google it. Now one of the things that makes it seem like a work is the fact that his mic didn't get cut off sooner although Vince can't find his ass with both hands so it probably took him a while to make a few calls to have the plug pulled on CM's worked or non-worked shoot. Now that I think about it, Vince probably wasn't at the event and he probably wasn't even watching because WWE is so awful that even VKM doesn't watch that crap they call "entertainment" so the plug-puller was probably some guy hoping to get a promotion or it was all staged. That and most WWE fans nowadays are either mentally retarded or they piss standing up with their pants around their ankles so name-dropping John Laurinaitis was highly unnecessary but I like that he did it.